Sweetheart’s Dance Cancelled
Due to lack of interest the Sweetheart’s Dance Scheduled for Saturday, February 6th has been cancelled. A special thank you to the parents that were involved in organizing the event.
Read moreHome of The Spirit of OHS and OJH Owlet Bands
Due to lack of interest the Sweetheart’s Dance Scheduled for Saturday, February 6th has been cancelled. A special thank you to the parents that were involved in organizing the event.
Read moreI hope this message finds you well as we already find ourselves finishing up the month of January. For the Odem Bands we have a major fundraiser coming up on Saturday, with the First Annual Odem HS Sweethearts Dance being sponsored by the Band Boosters. We need volunteers to help chaperone the dance. This will count as one of the
Read moreI hope this weekend finds you well as we continue to move on towards our trip to perform at Carnegie Hall in June! I would like to give you an update on some information as many parts of the trip are falling into place as we finalize details on our trip. First of all I have attached a copy
Read moreOn Saturday students from Odem High School competed in the ATSSB All-Area Auditions for a chance at earning spots in the prestigious All-State Bands. Noah Villarreal successfully auditioned and earned the top spot in the percussion section. This marks his third consecutive year of being a member of the All-State Bands. He is only the second student from Odem HS
Read moreGood evening, I hope this e-mail finds you well! Before I go into the few things that are upcoming for the bands I would like to congratulate Noah Villarreal on being only the second 3-Year All-State Band Member in Odem history! Noah earned 1st Place Percussionist at the Area Auditions on Saturday and we’re very proud of him for that
Read moreGood evening, I hope this message finds you well, rested, and having had a pleasant holiday! With the coming month we have a much lighter schedule for the Odem Bands, but I wanted to be sure to pass on that we do have a few events this week. First is our monthly booster meeting on Tuesday night at 7pm at
Read moreGood evening, Time definitely seems to fly this time of year, and we’re already at our Winter Concert week before the Christmas Break! We have two concerts this week for you to be aware of. The first concert is Tuesday evening at 7pm, which is our Annual Winter Evening of Jazz Concert featuring the Screeching Owl Jazz Band. Our second
Read moreLast night I sent out the great news about our All-Region Band Members at the JH and HS level. I would like to say congratulations once again to those members! The students that made All-Region Band for the junior high will have pictures tomorrow in class.
Read moreCongratulations to the members of the Odem Bands for an outstanding showing at both the middle school and high school level today!!! Odem JH had 23 students make the bands today; the second most students make the bands overall for JH!!! Additionally we had 13 students make the JH Wind Ensemble, the most of any JH today! Additionally three students
Read moreI hope this message finds you well as we begin the final push leading up to the Winter Break! Though marching season has come to a close, we still have a very busy few weeks ahead of us! First up this week will be our band pictures that are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday. We will send home forms tomorrow with
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